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Our speech therapists facilitate children in establishing the speech and language skills vital for effective communication. Our speech-language pathologists improve a child’s ability to communicate with verbal and non-verbal language and to tolerate sensory stimulation during meal-time and play.

Our speech therapists help children establish their speech and language skills for effective communication. This is achieved through the evaluation and treatment of expressive and receptive language, problem solving and reasoning, social skills, sign language, and augmentative communication (communication devices, PECs, etc). Our therapists also work with children on their pre-speech and feeding skills, swallowing, and oral-motor development. We strive to assist your child in finding his or her ‘voice’.

Therapy Care speech pathologists are certified by the American Speech Hearing and Language Association (ASHA) are licensed by the State of Illinois and hold master’s degrees in speech-language pathology.

What We Treat

  • Speech/Language Disorder

  • Receptive/Expressive Language Disorder

  • Auditory Processing Disorder

  • Language Processing Disorder

  • Articulation/Phonological Disorder

  • Fluency disorders/stuttering

  • Feeding Therapy / Picky Eating

  • Social Skills and Communication/Pragmatic Disorder

  • Fluency / Stuttering

  • Dysphagia

  • Oral-Motor/Feeding Concerns

  • Apraxia

  • Deaf / Hard of Hearing Services

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Our Approach

After a thorough evaluation, our therapist will create a customized therapy plan tailored specifically to the communication challenges your child is experiencing.

The key to pediatric speech therapy, as with therapy in general, is to challenge the child while fostering a warm and welcoming environment. The child thus develops skills while having fun at the same time. When these two aspects of therapy remain in balance with each other, the child is able to make sustained progress toward the goals and ultimately the child is able to maximize his/her potential.

Does My Child Need Speech Therapy?

How do I know if my child may need speech therapy? Can my child benefit from therapy? These are the two most common questions we receive from parents. There is no clear answer, but there are some indicators to look out for:

  • Your child does not babble and is over the age of 6 months

  • Your child is under 1 year of age and is not making or responding to sounds

  • Your child is over 1 year of age and has not produced any words

  • Your child does not appear to speak as well as peers

  • Your child does not seem to understand what is being said to them

  • Your child appears to have an unusual voice

  • Your child exhibits frustration when unable to communicate needs and wants

  • Your child is not understood by unfamiliar people and at times familiar people

  • Your child does not follow simple directions

  • Your child does not respond when spoken to

  • Your child is over the age of 3 and does not produce the sounds /m,n, ng, p, f, h, w/

  • Your child is slow to respond or answer questions

  • Your child has difficulty putting thoughts together to express ideas

  • Your child has difficulty thinking of a particular word

  • Your child has difficulty planning and sequencing actions or tasks

  • Your child difficulty with social interactions (peers, family, community)

  • Your child difficulty maintaining appropriate eye contact

Ready to get started?

Just like muscles of the body need strengthening and coordination, so do the muscles of the tongue and throat to make proper speech. Our speech therapists work on neurological exercises and speech exercises to help with a wide array of speech/language difficulties. Our speech therapists work to improve understanding, pronunciation and forming of speech to help your child be more social and communicate effectively.

For more information on speech therapy, contact our Batavia, IL physical therapists at Therapy Care for an appointment.

We Provide Academic Services!

We take great pride in helping our academic partners address their challenges. Meeting your district’s goals through efficient and economically sensible clinical services is the hallmark by which we measure our success.

View our academic services here!

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